This page contains information on future tasks and help needed for the LSCA, Inc. Board & properties.
Our amenities were constructed about 1977. Each year the Board looks at the long-term and immediate needs for improvement or emergency repairs. At the annual meeting, The Board proposes those projects to the attending members for their review and (hopefully) approval.
While we have a nice budget, most it goes to yearly property maintenance. Thus our abilities to improve things for the membership are constrained by the funds that we have.
Below is but a small list of long-term items we need to address. It also does not jump to a solution, as many factors must be considered before one can be chosen and implemented (time, money, etc...)
To accomplish short-term needs we created a list of (hopefully) small tasks (many under an hour) that volunteers can do at their home, or at the Clubhouse. We are calling this "Adopt-a-Job."
The idea is that a person or family need not commit to a given day, or unknow tasks, but can select a simple task that they may have the skills to accomplish and do that singular item. These could be construction, cleanup/out, landscaping, painting, etc.
In all cases, the persons doing the work must notify a Board member that they are selecting that project/task (so that duplication does not occur) and the person will be reimbursed for materials used. In many cases, we ALREADY have materials on-hand! And do not worry if you do not have skills; we can teach certain skills!
LSCA - ADOPT-A-JOB Needs for 2023
Coming Soon
Major projects to do long-term
- Improve the sagging timber wall below the pool.
- Improve the pool apron (a/k/a "Cooldeck").
- Address the silting of the lake/coves.
LSCA - ADOPT-A-JOB Needs for 2020
- Cleanup/out & put up tool holders in Pool Pump-House building.
- Concrete/block wall on step-floor inside Pumphouse.
- Concrete patch the drain pipes, pool apron & Clubhouse side chinks.
- Touchup paint in Clubhouse on window frames & walls.
- Stain (freshen) the main stairs and tennis/lake walkways. (Before pool opens.)
- Green paint Clubhouse Utility room power access & Pumphouse side plate.
- Paint Clubhouse Utility room inside; move shelving from the kitchen to U-room.
- Cut hole/install pipe on wet spring to the left of Arbor.
- Place poly-crack filler in expansion joints on pool apron (Before pool opens.)
- Cut Kudzu 'climbers' & overhang along Bob Cox Rd. Maybe "goats"?
- Install post and solar panels & lights for the "Rock/oval" entrance sign.
- Add 'Wrap Around' railings to main-red stairs.
- Beef-up the playground swings and tire crossbar.
- Overhead fans for the Clubhouse pavilion.
- Gloss paint tops of two cedar benches in the two restrooms.
- Fill in asphalt holes & cracks in the drive-up driveway.
- Purchase & install Subdivision bulletin board near the amenity parking lot.
- Locate underground shower pipe and install a cutoff valve in a covered box.
- Recheck nighttime electric & floodlight operation.
- Repair the Clubhouse gates. (Again & again!)
- Maybe replace chronically damaged fence sections or uprights.
- Replace or tighten 2 gate springs; oil/lubricate hinges.
- Plant 2 real or "outline" trees on the dam; Timer-GFI electric in the box by boat rack.
LSCA - ADOPT-A-JOB Taken 2020 [Assigned]
- Toilet paper holders: File & test mechanism. [ Bob H.]
- Check tennis court cracks; kill weeds. Follow-up joint seal. [ Ron C.; Barry.]
- Reuse old pool ladder(s) for swimming dock. [ Don R.]
- Add grounding rod & connect to Clubhouse electric panel. [ Bob H.]
- Paint yellow caution stripes on uneven concrete joints around Clubhouse. [ Stephan T.]
- Grate/screen over swale drain pipes under Pumphouse. [ Bob H. ]
- Replace notices on the magnetic Pavilion bulletin board. [ Julia B. ]
- Replace the two 36" Pool Pump-House doors. [ Rusty B. Bob H. ]
- Replace the two Pool Pump-House door locks (already have locks). [ Bob H. ]
LSCA - ADOPT-A-JOB Completed tasks in 2020, with MANY THANKS!
- Remove rotten Pavilion Bulletin Board; replace it with a painted metal sheet. [ Julia & Rusty B. ]
- Reworked hasp/lock-on Pavilion bulletin board door. [ Bob H. ]
- Rewire the main Clubhouse panel & pool timer: Safety, access, wire position. [ Bob H. ]
Major projects completed in 2019
- Renovate the pool and tile cove. [MANY, many, many thanks, Julia B.!!!]
- Renovate the two Clubhouse restrooms. [Thanks, Christina B. & Don-the-contractor!]
LSCA - ADOPT-A-JOB Completed tasks in 2019, with MANY THANKS!
- Workday cleanup. [The dozen Members who came and helped out in May!]
- Trim trees & shrubs over the black fence along the entrance. [Lisa & Jim H.]
- Replace light bulbs and floodlights around the pool and Clubhouse. [Bob H.]
- Seal holes from removed Clubhouse curtains. [Jim H.]
- Add composite boards over swimming dock hinge opening. [Don R.]
- Repair the Pump-house wiring issues (Spotlights, etc.) [Bob H.]
- Replace 3 rotten boards on the walkway to the lake. [Stephan T.]
- Dock ladder: reinstall/repair/replace. [Rick N.]
- Repair/replace Arbor floodlights & electric wiring. [Bob H.]
- Add door catches to Clubhouse kitchen cabinets. [Bob H.]
- Replace pool/arbor electric power wires; add GFI/ACFI circuit breaker. [ Shelly H. & Terry F. & Bob H.]
- Emergency repairs to vandalized Clubhouse fence. [Bob H.]
- Rehabilitated pool umbrella stand; put up 5th new umbrella. [Shelly H.]
- Cutoff the broken pool-apron drain pipes in/by the Pump House. [Terry F.]
- Fix tire swing: Add metal plate; replace bolts. [Terry F. & Shelly H. & Bob H.]
- Remove four 'builder' ground rods/pipes on both sides of main stairs. [Terry F. & Bob H.]
- Relocate the WiFi unit; run a cable to BBU. [Bob H.]
- Clean Clubhouse attic (somewhat), fix electric items & organize a bit. [Bob H.]
- Replace fasteners in Sundeck railings. [Terry F. & Bob H.]
- Add new 6" timber course & drain to log wall by Pumphouse. [Shelly H. & Don R.]
- Replace Sundeck railing lag screws with through bolts. [Terry F. & Don R. & Bob H.]
- Cleanup roadside foliage across from 253 L.S. Drive. [Pete B.]
- Install Clubhouse window shade. [Bob H.]
- Snake-out the 2 drain pipes in/by the Pump House; add wire screen/filter to inlets. [Shelly H., Don R., Terry F.]
- Install a swimming dock "grab-rope." [Bob H.]
- Adjust two video cameras on the Clubhouse roof; fix mounting. [Don R. & Bob H.]
- Remove rusted furnace from the Clubhouse utility room. [Terry F. & Bob H.]
- Add earth-grounding rod to Pumphouse. [Bob H. & Don R.]
- Relocate Playground floodlights & add a switch. [Bob H. & Don R. & Terry F.]
- Cut through 2 roots near 147 mailbox; Relief-channel Telco wire. [Terry F.]
- Replace two shingle sections on Arbor; tar & nail. [Terry F. & Bob H.]
- Permanently attach the 2 new pool signs. [Bob H.]
- Correct Lake sign and 2 Tennis Court signs. [Bob H.]
- Permanently attach the 2 tennis court signs. [Bob H.]
- Remove solar light from Arbor roof & relocate to Pumphouse. [Bob H. & Terry F.]
- Build two cedar benches 7 installs in the restrooms. [Vic W.]
- Remove protruding sheetrock screws and reinstall the "RULES" sign with shorter screws to Pumphouse. [Bob H.]
- Remove, rebuild, brace & reinstall fence/bracket to Pumphouse. [Bob H.]
- Spread pine straw at specified locations around pool & Clubhouse. [ ??? ]
- Reworked pool apron swale drain pipes in Pumphouse. [ Don R. & Bob H. ]
- Secured red 9-1-1 box and conduit to post. [ Bob H. ]
- Purchase metal & rework magnetic Pavilion bulletin board. [ Julia & Rusty B. ]
For those 2019 volunteers, we thought we would be sharing the LSCA 2019 banana crop at the September Annual meeting, but the bananas never ripened and froze in November. Sorry !!!
Major projects completed in 2018
- Renovate the tennis courts. [Barry W. & Tennis Court committee & Julia B.]